
Islamic Studies

Developing Well-rounded Young Adults with Values and Contributing Citizens in the World around them.

Our Islamic Studies curriculum is designed to instill solid Islamic foundation for our students. Through
this curriculum, our students will learn and acquire sound belief and practice of their faith correctly. The
curriculum has been carefully thought out through consultation with experienced scholars. It covers topics
ranging from Islamic creed, law, spirituality, and much more! We aim to instill certainty and love for
Islam in the hearts of our students.

What is covered in our Islamic Studies Curriculum:

✓ Etiquette of eating, drinking, sleeping, and many more
✓ Manners of behaving with others such as friends, teachers, family, and strangers
✓ General Islamic morals such as piety and truthfulness
✓ Islamic views on bad habits such as lying and backbiting
✓ Manners on respecting parents and elderly people
✓ Manners on seeking knowledge

✓ Belief in Allah and Tawheed
✓ Belief in His Angels
✓ Belief in His Books
✓ Belief in His Messengers
✓ Belief in the Last Day
✓ Belief in Divine Preordainment and Divine Decrees (Qadhaa’ and Qadar)

✓ Seerah of Prophet Mohammed (SAW) and his teachings
✓ Stories of previous Prophets and Messengers

✓ Selection of stories from the lives of the Companions (RAA) and the prominent Muslim figures
✓ Stories in the Quran
✓ General history of Islam

✓ The five pillars of Islam
✓ Purification (Taharah)
✓ Practical demonstration of Salah and Wudu
✓ Fasting
✓ Zakat
✓ Hajj
✓ Funeral Prayer
✓ Halal and Haram foods

✓ Studying number of the most important hadiths of the Prophet (SAW)
✓ Learning to apply what we learn in Hadith to our daily life

✓ Learning daily Duas and Azkar such as the Duas for sleeping, waking up, and eating)
✓ Comprehending and understanding the Duas

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