
Kindergarten (PP1 & PP2)

Joining School Is A Huge Milestone For Both You And Your Child.

As your child enters school their independence becomes more defined. By this time, children can dress themselves, catch a ball more easily using only their hands, and tie their shoes. Kindergartners are energetic and crave physical activity like running, jumping, and climbing.
Having independence from family becomes very important for them at this stage. Physical, social, and mental skills develop quickly at this time. This is a critical time for children to develop confidence in their abilities and in all areas of life, including friends, schoolwork, and play.
If you are looking for a reputable education program with perfect balance of Play and Learning for your child, then Register for September Intake.

Joining School Is A Huge Milestone For Both You And Your Child.
  • Social & Emotional Development
  • Language & Communication Development
  • Cognitive Development (Learning, Thinking & Problem-solving)
  • Movement & Physical Development




Kindergarten – PP1 & PP2 (4 – 6 yrs)

Mon – Fri

8.00 a.m. – 2.30 p.m.

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