
Post-Secondary Enrolment Programs

Build Your Quest For Learning Beyond High School

We will always provide our students with all necessary resources to assist them with Higher Education and Career Decisions. Our career coaches advice and support the students after understanding their personal aspirations. The students receive individual attention on available higher education options internationally and regionally.

Dual Enrollment Courses for High School Students

Students can earn college credits before graduation through dual credit programs at K12. As a K12-powered school, Noblegate International Academy provides opportunities for eligible students to earn college credits through dual enrollment options.


Dual enrolled students can then apply their earned credits to fulfill both high school graduation requirements and postsecondary degree requirements, getting a jump-start on earning a degree while earning their diploma.

Earn College Credits While Still in High School

There’s no such thing as too early to start thinking about life after high school. Whether a student heading to college or straight into a career, high school is the time to explore their interests, preferences and discover the skills that will set up a promising future. Taking rigorous courses and skill-building electives at a post-secondary level can give high school students a competitive edge, whether or not they pursue further education.

Why should you consider dual enrollment?
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